Helping you build skilled, productive and mentally healthy teams.

We provide the tools and skills for your team to thrive, creating a productive, retained and mentally healthy workplace.

Our person-centered Personal Leadership Program increases overall wellbeing and develops enterprise skills such as communication, goal planning, critical thinking, time management and collaboration to help individuals and workplaces succeed.

Online and in-person learning

man smiling

Self-Directed Learning

Self directed learning through our interactive and engaging online toolkit. We make sure the program fits in with existing study, work and life commitments.

young professional woman smiling

One-on-One Coaching

Participants are matched with an accredited leadership coach to support them to apply their learning to achieve their program goals. Each participant whether in a group or individual setting receives 4 X 30 minute online sessions.

group of people celebrating success

Workshops and Masterclasses

Group-based programs include 4 facilitated workshops, allowing participants to connect and learn with peers. These sessions provide an opportunity to reflect on progress, goals, and skills learned across the cohort. Additionally, masterclasses for up to 20 participants can be arranged, offering focused and intensive learning experiences.

Empowering emerging and future leaders with
practical skills that set them up for success

Develop effective decision making skills

Improve communication skills

Increase resilience & wellbeing

Build self confidence

Improve time management skills

Develop purpose and clarity on goals

Strengthen relationships & networks

Increase leaderships skills

Our trusted partners

An evidence-based framework utilising practical tools on four big decisions, and backed by 25 years of exceptional outcomes

Decide to send stars

Decide to grow

Decide to be happy

Decide to goal plan

So many ways
you can Thrive

Learn to thrive your way in life, work, sport or study.

Whether you are working, studying, at school, or are looking for a person-centered development program for your workplace, sports team or community group - we can tailor our Personal Leadership & Coaching Program to suit your needs.

  • Individuals

  • Businesses & Corporate Organisations

  • Parents & Caregivers

  • Sporting Groups

  • Community Groups

  • NDIS

Chat to us today

Please call on (08) 8104 6440 or complete form below.